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Worley Tire on Hunter Revolution™

"I can honestly tell you we have never ruined a wheel on this machine."


Brad Worley, CEO of Worley Tire in Arkansas, talks about the peace-of-mind that the Revolution™ tire changer gives him and his technicians when changing any type of wheel assembly, most notably high-end wheels.

The Revolution™ Tire Changer has been a game changer for my business. This machine has allowed us to handle run flat tires more efficiently. While we have successfully changed thousands of high-end tires on a conventional machine, The Revolution™ Tire Changer has given us peace of mind that our customers’ prized possessions will be given top-notch care.

The Revolution™ Tire Changer has taken user error out of the process. My guys are able to change tires quickly and safely without putting their body through the ringer, as they would using a conventional machine. The Revolution™ Tire Changer requires minimal employee training compared to a conventional machine when changing high-end tires.

The tire industry is constantly changing. One of the biggest struggles we face is hiring help. This machine is so user-friendly that the training process is quick and easy. After using the machine one time, most guys feel confident in changing any tire. I can honestly tell you we have never ruined a wheel on this machine. I would recommend this machine to any other high-volume shop.

Brad Worley

CEO, Worley Tire

worley tire hunter engineering testimonial
worley tire hunter engineering testimonial



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