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Big O Tires on Hunter Quality and Reliability

"Big O uses Hunter equipment to drive profitability and retain employees"


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With cutting-edge technology and longevity as the yardstick for new equipment, Big O Tires in Columbia, MO identified Hunter Engineering as the company best suited to meet its high standards. “Hunter checks both of those boxes for us,” said procurement manager Jesse Burg.

Big O’s latest addition to its wide range of Hunter equipment is the Quick Check® Drive unmanned inspection system. Burg admits technicians were initially skeptical, but “once they saw the measurements from one machine to another and the time savings, our guys were really impressed with it.”

Additionally, The Hawkeye Elite® helps Big O maintain alignments as its most profitable service, while also helping maintain its employees. Providing top-tier equipment has a large impact. “They feel like we’ve given them the right tools to do the job,” Burg says.

“Hunter equipment has definitely been a factor in us being able to retain quality employees.”




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Opinie klientów

Nie bez powodu Hunter jest światowym liderem w produkcji sprzętu do serwisu układu jezdnego. Wyjaśniają to wypowiedzi faktycznych użytkowników.

Inspekcja bezdotykowa

Automatyczne wyniki

Sprawdzaj najważniejsze kąty geometrii i bieżniki opon w każdym samochodzie, który odwiedza Twój serwis, bez straty czasu i dodatkowej pracy.

System pomiaru geometrii kół HawkEye Elite®

Wydajne i rentowne pomiary geometrii kół

Cztery precyzyjne kamery mierzą ustawienie każdego koła za pomocą opatentowanych uchwytów QuickGrip® marki Hunter.

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