- Open Front - No Beam
- 177" 2-wheel alignment wheelbase
- Powerslide and Inflation Station capable
Schwerlasthehebühnen, Achsvermessungs-Hebebühnen mit hohen Kapazitäten
Schwerlasthebühnen, Achsvermessungs-Hebebühnen mit hohen Kapazitäten
Hunter bietet ein Vier-Säulen-Modell, das auf nahezu alle Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten ist. Dank der benutzerfreundlichen Modelle mit freiem Zugang vorne wird die Achsvermessung zu einem Kinderspiel. Besonders breite Fahrflächen und zwei Radstandlängen erleichtern Servicearbeiten sogar an mittelgroßen Nutzfahrzeugen. Hinzu kommen Optionen wie Aufpumpstation, PowerSlide (Drehteller und Schiebeplatten pneumatisch) sowie Beleuchtung zur deutlichen Steigerung der Produktivität.
Neue Optionen für harte Beanspruchung sind für Anwendungen mit hohen Mengen an Streusalz und Salzlösungen erhältlich.
Funktionen auf einen Blick
- Konfigurationen mit freiem oder geschlossenem Zugang vorne
- Drehteller aus Edelstahl als Standard
- Standardmäßige eingebaute Schiebeplatten
- Zwei abnehmbare Trittplatten als Standard
Technische Daten auf einen Blick
8.164 kgKapazität
2 x 4.083 kgHeberkapazität
660 mmBreite Fahrflächen
4.496 mm oder 5.360 mm2-Radvermessung kompatibel
Hunter Vier-Säulen-Hebebühnen
Four-Post Alignment Lift Overview
Hunter's industry-leading alignment technology on our four-post lift rack! Complete with Fully Integrated Alignment capabilities!
Hunter's New Swing Air Jacks for Vehicle Lifts at A Glance
Hunter Swing Air Jacks add capabilities for lifting vehicles off the runways during alignment procedures and other multi-service operations.
Alignment Check on a Four Post Lift
Hunter's industry-leading alignment technology on our four-post lift rack! Complete with caster measurements!
Hunter's Family of RX Scissor & Four Post Lift Racks
Hunter's family of Lift Racks, including scissor and four-post lifts are available in traditional or flush mount configurations. The RX16 features a power up mode, lifting sixteen thousand pounds.
The Hunter Four-Post Lift Rack: Detailed Operation
The foremost consideration with any lift rack is safety. The simple but sure locking system featured on Hunter’s L451 and L454 lift racks ensures the vehicle lowers only when you want it to.


- Open Front - No Beam
- 211" 2-wheel alignment wheelbase
- Powerslide and Inflation Station capable

- Closed Front Beam
- 177" 2-wheel alignment wheelbase
- Powerslide and Inflation Station capable

- Closed Front Beam
- 211" 2-wheel alignment wheelbase
- Powerslide and Inflation Station capable
Four-Post Lift Features
Open-front workspace
Easy access to service points and jacks. Standard on L451 models
Capable runways
26-in. extra-wide runways can service vehicles up to 92 in. Two lengths are available to accommodate 177-in. or 211-in. wheelbases.
Heavy-weight 18,000-lb. lifting capacity is best-in-class.
Swing air jacks
Two 9,000-lb. capacity swing air jacks come standard for unmatched height, reach and durability.
Integrated controls
Convenient console featuring push-button functions give technicians full-control.
Built-in slipplates
88" to 158" for 4-wheel alignments
Stainless steel turnplates
Standard, for a lifetime of easy and accurate alignments. PowerSlide™ turnplates offer ease-of-use.
Airline access
Air supplied to jacks and auxiliary ports come standard.
Two movable worksteps
Sturdy, lightweight and lock into multiple convenient locations
Optional AlignLights
See where you work. Lights shut off automatically when rack is lowered and turn on when raised.
Cables & locks
High-strength galvanized cables and 16-position louvered level locks provide long, reliable life.
Louvered approach ramps
High-traction design prevents wheel spin – better than diamond plate or abrasive finish.
Tough umbilical covering
Protective cord covering prevents damage to air and hydraulic lines.
Built & installed locally
Designed & built in the USA, and installed locally by Hunter's highly-qualified service team.
Optional Harsh Duty Four-Post Lift
Racks with Hunter's Harsh Duty feature enhanced corrosion protection for those regions with high road salt and brine solution usage.
Optionen für harte Beanspruchung
Hunter Hebebühnen mit Optionen für harte Beanspruchung bieten einen verbesserten Korrosionsschutz für Regionen, in denen große Mengen an Streusalz und Salzlösungen eingesetzt werden.

Zinkreiche Grundierung, pulverbeschichtet und verstemmte Fahrflächen und Rampen
Schiebeplattenoberseiten aus korrosionsbeständigem Edelstahl
Komplette Drehplatten aus korrosionsbeständigem Edelstahl
Epoxid-versiegelte Verbindungen und Nähte verhindern das Eindringen von Salz zwischen angrenzenden Metallteilen
Keep raising your shop capabilities by purchasing alignment rack consumable 24/7 through Shop Hunter!

Upgrade your vehicle service capabilities.



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