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Brown's Automotive

“I stuck with Hunter because it’s tried and true.”


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Tonnika Haynes, Owner of Brown's Automotive in Chapel Hill, NC didn't need to shop around when it was time to upgrade their equipment. The multi-generationally owned shop has found value in Hunter not only through the technology, but also the reliability, ease-of-use, training, and local contact that comes with it.

Hunter equipment blends perfectly with Brown’s family-oriented approach to their service business. 

Brown’s Automotive in Chapel Hill, NC prides itself on being a family-operated business “that treats everyone like family,” says owner Tonnika Haynes. “That means actively listening to our customers and having a plan for what they need and for any future needs.”

That continuity is where Hunter equipment fits right in. Tires and alignment are Brown’s core services. Their previous Hunter aligner lasted for 24 years, and when it was time to upgrade, “I felt no need to shop around,” Tonnika says. “I stuck with Hunter because it’s tried and true,” she says. “Hunter equipment is worth the investment.”



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Opinie klientów

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