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Hunter Brand Guidelines

Hunter Color Palette



The primary goal of color usage in customer-facing content is to give as much attention and focus on Hunter red. This means extensive use of the gray palette for general UI elements, providing a means for the red to stand out. Red is most commonly used for calls-to-action, but also in Hunter product photography.

For questions or concerns, contact Hunter Marketing at marketingdesign@hunter.com






Hunter's color palette is built on a triadic color wheel combination, with primary focus on Hunter red.

The red, green and blue are equally spaced from each other, providing an all-around complementary palette. The blue hue is desaturated enough to become a neutral palette, while the green is used very infrequently. These supporting colors allow the red to become dominant.



Color Codes









Common Uses

  Black (bg) #0D111A 13, 17, 26 220, 50, 10 80, 70, 60, 80 Black background
  Black (text) #1F2533 31, 37, 51 222, 39, 20 83, 75, 53, 62 Standard text color
  White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255 0, 0, 100 0, 0, 0, 0 White Background; text color on dark backgrounds









Common Uses

  Gray/30 #373F4D 55, 63, 77 220, 28, 30 78, 67, 50, 40  
  Gray/40 #525866 82, 88, 102 220, 20, 40 70, 60, 45, 23  
  Gray/50 #6B7280 107, 114, 128 220, 16, 50 62, 50, 38, 10  
  Gray/60 #888E9A 136, 142, 154 220, 12, 60 50, 39, 32, 2 Gray text
  Gray/70 #A1A7B2 161, 167, 178 220, 10, 70 39, 29, 23, 0 Container borders
  Gray/80 #BCC1CC 188, 193, 204 220, 8, 80 26, 18, 12, 0  
  Gray/92 #DDE2EB 221, 226, 235 220, 6, 92 12, 7, 3, 0  
  Gray/96 #EBEEF5 235, 238, 245 220, 4, 96 6, 3, 1, 0 Light gray background
  Gray/98 #F5F7FA 245, 247, 250 220, 2, 98 2, 1, 0, 0  









Common Uses

  Red/Dark3 #780800 120, 8, 0 4, 100, 47 30, 100, 100, 42  
  Red/Dark2 #900900 144, 9, 0 4, 100, 56 26, 100, 100, 30  
  Red/Dark1 #A80B00 168, 11, 0 4, 100, 66 22, 100, 100, 18  
  Red/Main #C00C00 192, 12, 0 4, 100, 75 16, 100, 100, 8 Brand red
  Red/Light1 #C82A20 200, 42, 32 4, 84, 78 15, 97, 100, 5  
  Red/Light2 #D04940 208, 73, 64 4, 69, 82 13, 86, 80, 3  
  Red/Light3 #D86760 216, 103, 96 4, 56, 85 11, 73, 60, 0  









Common Uses

  Green/Dark3 #007808 0, 120, 8 124, 100, 47 88, 28, 100, 18  
  Green/Dark2 #009009 0, 144, 9 124, 100, 56 86, 18, 100, 6  
  Green/Dark1 #00A80B 0, 168, 11 124, 100, 66 82, 5, 100, 1  
  Green/Main #00C00C 0, 192, 12 124, 100, 75 77, 0, 100, 0 Primary green
  Green/Light1 #20C82A 32, 200, 42 124, 84, 78 72, 0, 100, 0  
  Green/Light2 #40D049 64, 208, 73 124, 69, 82 67, 0, 97, 0  
  Green/Light3 #60D867 96, 216, 103 124, 56, 85 58, 0, 80, 0  






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